
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, feedback, or requests. We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a question or inquiry? We're here to help! Get in touch with us using the contact information below.

How Can We Help You

    Get In Touch!

    Thank you for your interest in us. To help us, please take a moment and let us know a little bit about you and your question.

    Contact information

    Head Office

    Melrose Place A21, Citra Garden Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61252

    Branch Office

    Perum Bumi Asih Indah Sakura Regency Jl Bunga Sakura Utama II, Blok EE-15 Jatiasih, Bekasi 17424

    Branch Office

    Perum Balikpapan Baru Cluster Toronto JA-16 Damai Baru, Balikpapan Selatan 76125

    Yard & Warehouse


    Lamongan Shorebase (LSB)
    Jalan Raya Daendles 64-65 KM, Lamongan
    Tel: +62 81254974661


    Jalan Raya Narogong KM 19.5
    Limus Nunggal, Cileungsih, Bogor
    Tel: +62 82227718897


    Ranji Karya Sakti Shorebase (RKS)
    Pendingin, Sanga-sanga
    Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur
    Tel: + 62 81253458018


    South East Principal

    principal 1

    Way-Meng How

    General Manager APAC

    principal 2

    See Kae Foong

    Commercial Manager South East Asia

    principal 3

    Cher Li Tan

    Head of Finance, APAC

    principal 4

    Sunita Saini

    Lead Customer Service South East Asia

    principal 5

    Johan Hafidz

    Business Development Manager

    principal 6

    Lily Ng

    Business Development Manager